Scientific Name: Calendula officinalis
Parts of the plant used: Flowers
Flavor Profile: Subtle, slightly bitter
Healing Properties: Anti-inflammatory, wound-healing
Taken externally, calendula helps treats burns and soothes pain and irritation.
Taken internally in tea, calendula helps reduce inflammation in the body. It’s well-known for relieving menstrual cramp pain and reducing fevers (calendula induces sweating!).
Calendula is one of my absolute favorite herbs. The flower is native to south-central Europe and North Africa, and it happens to grow widely in Puglia, where my Italian ancestors are from. Perhaps that’s why I feel so connected to this bright yellow-orange flower.
Ever notice calendula as an ingredient in skincare products? That’s because it helps reduce redness and inflammation. If you’ve got a sunburn, a balm containing calendula will speed up its healing.
Kristini’s Teas Blends that Contain Calendula
Ingredients: calendula, hibiscus, shatavari, raspberry leaf, red clover
Ingredients: calendula, chamomile, rose, milky oat tops, lavender